July 5, 2011

Busy Bee

I have been such a busy bee these past few weeks. I have been busy repurposing and rehabbing my Good Will treasures. Touring Washington and all it's beauty and amazing sites. Enjoying my children and their summer vacation while being tortured by it.

We are feeling more comfortable in our little town nestled at the edge of the woods and it's even starting to have an "I'm home" feel. We unfortunately are having a difficult time finding a home church.

We found a temporary church but with each service, I like it less. I miss my church in SoCal tremendously. I hope we can find a church here that can give us the peace and inspiration that RCC did.

I also hope that I can find the time to do the laundry as well as fold it. Drink some sweet tea and craft a book wreath AFTER I read the 7 books my girlfriend Kristie gave me. You know you have an amazing and real friend when she gives you bags of books!

I wish you all a memorable summer!