Today I am enjoying a cup of vanilla coffee with the most delicious egg sandwitch I have ever made to date,it is my morning indulgence.It was another chilly morning so I think banana bread is in order today, a nice welcome home surprise for my boys.
Mentally I am making a list of all that I will clean today. My house by my standards is looking very dirty but a good deep cleaning will do the trick and all will be right in the world again.Here a dirty house always makes for a bad day and you know what they say if Mama ain't happy then nobody is!! *devilish grin*
In my bed wrapped up in over sized covers my baby blissfully lays enjoying the warmth and his favorite shows.At this sight my heart is filled with joy by his enjoyment of simple pleasures. I hope to enjoy some simple pleasures today as well and start reading Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. My best girl Kristie read it, she liked it and so I'm sure I will too.Coffee and books what could possibly be better? If anyone has any books they would recommend I would love to hear about them and would appreciate any suggestions I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.
~* Prayer For Today *~
Father in heaven,thank you for Your Word that is living and active and growing in my life. I submit myself to you today.Teach me Your ways so that I may know You.
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